Runtimes see history edit this page

Talks about: <a class="post-tag post-tag-docker" href="/tags/docker">docker</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-nerdctl" href="/tags/nerdctl">nerdctl</a>, <a class="post-tag post-tag-podman" href="/tags/podman">podman</a>, and <a class="post-tag post-tag-runtime" href="/tags/runtime">runtime</a>

ilo shell by default searches your local system for supported runtimes. In order to force the usage of a specific runtime, use the --runtime flag or set the ILO_SHELL_RUNTIME environment variable in your system. The --runtime flag overwrites the environment variable.


Force ilo to use docker like this:

$ ilo shell --runtime docker

# use alias
$ ilo shell --runtime d

# use env variable
$ ILO_SHELL_RUNTIME=docker ilo shell


Force ilo to use nerdctl like this:

$ ilo shell --runtime nerdctl

# use alias
$ ilo shell --runtime n

# use env variable
$ ILO_SHELL_RUNTIME=nerdctl ilo shell


Force ilo to use podman like this:

$ ilo shell --runtime podman

# use alias
$ ilo shell --runtime p

# use env variable
$ ILO_SHELL_RUNTIME=podman ilo shell

Auto Selection

If not otherwise specified, ilo always picks runtimes in this order, depending on which are available on your system:

  1. podman
  2. nerdctl
  3. docker