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The following examples show how ilo shell can be used.

Cargo Projects

Cargo caches all downloaded dependencies in your local ~/.cargo/registry directory.

In order to re-use already downloaded dependencies inside the container, specify a --volumne like this:

# Cargo project that mounts local .cargo folder
$ ilo shell \
    --volume ${HOME}/.cargo/registry:/usr/local/cargo/registry:z \

Note: The container path /usr/local/cargo is specified in the image used in this example (rust:latest). Adjust this value according to the image you are actually using in your project.

Gradle Projects

Gradle caches all downloaded dependencies in your local ~/.gradle directory.

In order to re-use already downloaded dependencies inside the container, specify a --volumne like this:

# Gradle project that mounts local .gradle folder
$ ilo shell \
    --volume ${HOME}/.gradle:/home/gradle/.gradle:z \

Note: The container path /home/gradle/.gradle is specified in the image used in this example (gradle:latest). Adjust this value according to the image you are actually using in your project.

Maven Projects

Maven caches all downloaded dependencies in your local ~/.m2 directory.

In order to re-use already downloaded dependencies inside the container, specify a --volumne like this:

# Maven project that mounts local m2 repo
$ ilo shell \
    --volume ${HOME}/.m2:/root/.m2:z \

Note: The container path /root/.m2 is specified in the image used in this example (maven:latest). Adjust this value according to the image you are actually using in your project.