
manage reproducible build environments

ilo is a toolbx inspired tool to create/manage environments for reproducible builds based on OCI container images.


Reproducible Build Environments

Thanks to containers, ilo can fully encapsulate the necessary tools required to build your project. Therefore, making it easy to reproduce the build output of any project. Custom tooling, a specific version of a compiler, or anything else required to build a project are no longer showstoppers, but rather implementation details.

Per-Project Dependencies

ilo recognizes that lots of projects have their own unique build requirements. Instead of forcing users to install all required tooling into their local system, ilo moves all project dependencies into a container. In case you want to clean up your computer, just remove the container image! ilo will automatically recreate a build environment for your project the next time you need it.


Onboarding new team members into big projects with complex build requirements can be a hassle. ilo’s container approach reduces the amount of work required to get new members up to speed - install ilo, clone your project, and you’re good to go. ilo supports multiple ways to share immutable build environments with your team in order reproduce a project.


ilo is available for Linux, MacOS, Windows, and others. It supports a wide range of runtimes which makes it easy to both add and remove ilo from your project. It plays nicely with tools already available on your local system - use your favorite IDE to write code!


Want to try ilo for your project? Take a look at the usage guide.


Interested in contributing to ilo? Take a look at the contributor guide.